Huesca is…
Elegibe courses
At our faculty you can study courses from the following degrees and masters (all the courses are in Spanish):
(EF) Classes in spanish but references, programme, tutorials and exams could be in english.
First semester
- 27300 Basics of business administration and management
- 27301 Financial accounting I
- 27302 Mathematics I
- 27303 Principles of Marketing (EF)
- 27304 Introduction to law (EF)
Second semester
- 27305 History of economics and world economy
- 27306 Financial accounting II
- 27307 Microeconomics I (EF)
- 27308 Mathematics II
- 27309 Statistics I
First semester
- 27310 Statistics II
- 27311 Company taxation (EF)
- 27312 Macro-economics I
- 27313 Microeconomics II
- 27314 Internal organisation and management (EF)
Second semester
First semester
- 27320 Financial statements: analysis
- 27321 Business management I
- 27322 Strategic management (EF)
- 27323 Financial management (EF)
- 27324 Econometrics
Second semester
- 27325 Management accounting
- 27326 Production management
- 27327 Human resources management
- 27328 Financial risk management
- 27329 Company policy
Fall semester
- 27330 Combined businesses accountancy (EF)
- 27334 Commercial decisions
- 27335 Commercial Law
- 27337 International company management
- 27341 Financial markets (EF)
- 27342 Management control
- 27343 IT in the company
- 27344 Foreign language for business (English)
- 27345 Foreign language for business (French)
Spring semester
- 27348 Creation and management of SMEs (EF)
- 27349 Business management II
- 27351 Cash management (EF)
- 27352 Integrated Management and Value Creation
- 27356 Economic policy
- 27357 Company work policy
- 27358 Organisation sociology (EF)
- 27360 Company work experience
- 27331 End of degree project
- (Modern language: 24900 English B1, 24901 French B1, …)
- 29000 Basic principles of constitutional law
- 29001 Administration and public policy sciences
- 29002 Basic principles of economics and economic structures
- 29003 Organisation sociology
First semester
Second semester
- 29006 General administrative law
- 29007 Organisation management and handling human resources
- 29008 Financial economics and public accountancy: the basics
- 29009 Public sector economy and taxation
First semester
Second semester
- 29012 Local, urban and environmental law
- 29013 Labour relations and social protection
- 29014 Legal framework for public employment
- 29015 Budgetary and financial management
First semester
Second semester
Fall semester
- 29018 Public equality policies and diversity management
- 29019 Contracts and companies
- 29021 Aragonese political and administrative institutions
- 29023 Public services: quality and marketing
- 29024 Foreing language (French)
- 29025 Foreing language (English)
- 29026 Efficient auditing and management
- 29027 European Union economics
- 29028 E-Administration and documents
- 29030 Administrative language
Spring semester
- 29033 Internships
- 29034 Undergraduate Dissertation
- (Modern language: 24900 English B1, 24901 French B1, …) ,
First semester
- 61938 Advanced Information Management Techniques ( 9 ECTS)
- 61939 Management of Cultural and Environmental Compaines ( 6 ECTS)
- 61940 Legal Practices for Tourist Activities and Zones ( 6 ECTS)
- 61942 Planning and Management of a Tourism Area ( 6 ECTS)
- 61943 Economic Management of Tourist Destination ( 6 ECTS)
Second semester
- 61941 Creation of Tourism Products ( 6 ECTS)
- 61944 Internships ( OP, 9 ECTS)
- 61945 Travel French ( OP, 3 ECTS)
- 61946 Managerial Skills ( OP, 3 ECTS)
- 61947 Travel English (OP, 3 ECTS)
- 61948 Economic-Financial Viability of Tourism Projects ( OP, 3 ECTS)
- 61949 Snow and Mountain Tourism (OP, 3 ECTS)
- 61950 Master’s Dissertation ( 9 ECTS)
We also offer some English friendly courses (references, tutorials, exams and some materials vill be available in English for those in-coming students whose Spanish level is not high enough, courses marked with (EF)
Calendar (classes)
Calendar (Teaching period)
Teaching period: Exams
- 1st semester: from middle of January till the first week of February
- 2nd semester and finals: During June
UZ offers a wide range of Intensive Spanish courses through the “Servicio de Cursos de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE)”. Courses are held twice a year: in September-October for students arriving in the 1st semester and in Februrary-March for students arriving in the 2nd semester.
There are many courses throughout the year with different duration, ranging from 3 weeks to yearly 1,5 ECTS. More information
Incoming students can also attend Spanish language course free of charge during the whole academic year.